CAP: Sleep classification across different machines
Motivation: A recurrent problem in computational medicine is that models trained on data from a given recording device will not generalize to data coming from another device, even when both devices are from a similar equipment provider. Failure to generalize to unseen machines can cause critical issues for clinical practice because a false sense of confidence in a model could lead to a false diagnosis. We study these machinery-induced distribution shifts with the CAP dataset.
Problem: We consider the sleep stage classification task from electroencephalographic (EEG) measurements. The dataset has five source domains, where each domain contains data gathered with a different machine. The goal is to generalize to unseen machines.
python -m woods.scripts.download_datasets CAP --data_path /path/to/data
Preprocessing The preprocessing script can be found on the WOODS preprocessing script. You can run the preprocessing yourself by running the following command:
python -m woods.scripts.fetch_and_preprocess CAP --data_path /path/to/data
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